智能手表市场已经存在一段时间了 。 无论是三星公司、比布尔公司或苹果公司最新和最预期手表市场都几乎饱和 。 如果这些市场是期望的并可以被制造者视为成功,它仍然在空气中,但这并不是阻塞其他人进入竞技场 。 一家注定进场的公司在正确时间这样做!Swatch被称为可支付但时尚时尚,Swatch再次以合理价格点向大众提供最新消息。Swatch看苹果手表但成本低得多,可能会像他们对待Swatch那样引起另一场疯狂Sistem51.
Swatch触摸零一面向主动式生活模式。大数字显示器提供一系列超出日期和时间的信息。带沙滩排球思维中,它的一个传感器能计球点击数和强度计数。同一个传感器也能计滑动侧线上风扇键数 。常人化阶梯计数器也可以编程函数表示定步目标状态 。虽然与高功能智能手表大不相同,但有一个因素将片段分解电池使用正常监视电池无需夜间充电
Although they have called this a smart watch, smart Swatch has it all wrong. This is a smarter activity accessory. The Touch Zero One is more of a Fit-Bit with function. A downloadable application for both iphone and Android makes this piece far more desirable on the wrist than any other motion sensing band on the market. Now all the fitness tracking people out there can tell the time in multiple time-zones, date, have alarm sets and keep track of their goals with a waterproof fun digital timepiece. Look for this to be on sale soon at a price point under $200.